We are here for you
The medium of instruction is English. The University reserves its right to update / change any part of the Program Regulations as approved by the competent authority. Learners are advised to refer to the specific Program Handbook for details.
Twice the minimum duration of the Program.
UG – 32 + Project* and PG – 21 + Project* * In certain Programs/Electives
A learner will have the option to select a course outside of his chosen elective rom the available options. Ex: A learner enrolled in MBA (Finance) can opt for Digital Marketing course from MBA (Marketing).
The live sessions will be delivered online on Saturday and Sunday. The sessions will be scheduled between 9:30 am and 5:30 pm (IST), a maximum of 6 hours per day. The schedule for a week will be intimated via email.
Assessment in all courses is based on two components - Continuous Assessment (30 Marks) and End Semester Examination (70 Marks).
Online Proctored Exam. (Proctored – Webcam monitored)
Yes. A stable and non-shared connection.
Yes. Exam schedule will be communicated as per time line of Calendar of Events.
Yes. The Degree Certificate can be collected from the Office or a learner can request dispatch via post on payment of the postage fee applicable at that time.